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19 Mistakes you are making in your CV, without you knowing- For Egyptian Job seekers

Writer's picture: Melody AbdouMelody Abdou

As a candidate for a certain #job, your first impression is generated way before the first sight during the #interview, it is subconsciously created by the #employer from the moment their eyes land on your #cv.

So, having a flawless #resume (as much as possible) is actually crucial to land the job you have always dreamed of.

Thus, Without further ado, here's a list of 19 #CV_Writing_mistakes you need to avoid in 2020 to get what you wanted

Mistake #1

Adding unnecessary information, [home phone number, detailed address, driving license.etc]

Think about it,

Will recruiters will not contact you in 2020 on your home landline or send you a courier to your home address. The Answer is NO.

Then REMOVE them.

It reflects that you are doing things (creating your CV and consequently all your other tasks) without thinking about the best possible outcome.

PS: Only a professional driver applying for a "driver position" should add his driving license.

You got my point. Nah?

Conclusion: Include relative, practical details only.

Mistake #2

Not including a Headline

A Headline is a simple line stating what you do in business

to Structure your headline you need to put these 3 segments together

Your Current or previous title | Department | Industry

For example:

Payroll Specialist | Human Resources | Consumer Goods

This summarizes what you are doing and gives a lot of necessary insights to the recruiters.

In other words; you are making the screening of your CV easy and more pleasant.

Mistake #3

Not including your online profiles on your Resume

Make sure to add your professional links to your CV, like:

LinkedIn or your website

We are in the modern digitalized world, these things matter.


Mistake #4

Having an "Objective" Section.

As mentioned before, the CV is "a tool by which employers get to know the added value you shall provide when joining their teams."

if you take a good look at any objective example. you shall find it talking about the employee's goals. which is very nice. but as an employer what's in it for me?

For Example:

"Seeking a challenging position at a reputable company, where I can use my skills and achieve personal and professional growth"

Employers aren't quite interested in your desires, they want to see how can you generate the money. & that is it.

So, instead ----- make it about them not you.

Mistake #5

Using tables, graphs, charts.etc

Keep the format simple, recruiters like resumes that are easy to "Scan read"

including graphs, charts, tables will make your resume chunky.

Mistake #6

Listing only the name of the company & the job title without your responsibilities and achievements.

Your Achievements within the position you are employed is, in reality, the winning card.

This is the straw for the interview call or your CV discard.

Carefully articulating what you have accomplished is very crucial.

Mistake #7

Not including company info

Recruiters like to see company names they are familiar with, then familiarize them with your previous employers.

Include a 1-2 lines description about the type of the company, employee number, industry of the companies you used or currently are working in.

Mistake #8

Not using a reverse chronological order

When listing your employment history | Professional experience you should demonstrate them by the newest to oldest,

Because employers want to know what you are currently doing and they don't have the time to go through your whole CV. So by using this order, they will be able to make better decisions concerning the possibilities of contacting you for an interview chance.

Mistake #9

Using the 3rd person.

This is your CV-- YOU are pitching your skills and expertise to potential employers.

It is not like you are recommending a person or your friend to this position.

This is you talking about you.

So, the 3rd person simply doesn't make sense.


Don't ----- Melody is a very talented marketer, she has a history of shaping strategies and differentiation points.

Do ------ I am a talented marketer with a history of shaping strategies and differentiation points.

Mistake #10

Using unfit verbs or adjectives (for experienced & Managers)

Let's say you are a sales manager and you list your achievements/ responsibilities as follows:

  • Managed team meetings.

  • Responsible for sales achievements

Well, Pause a bit here!!

Since you are a "Manager" then it is by default that you are "Managing & Responsible" for something/someone.

Instead of sounding extremely dull, Use strong "Action Verbs" that communicates the true situation.


- Shaped

- Directed

- Envisioned .etc.


Mistake #11

Not including Volunteering work (as long as it is relevant).

Even though you didn't get paid, it is still a professional experience and added to your skills.

Which is valuable and should be included as long as it is compatible with the position you are applying for.

Mistake #12

Not including Institutions names

When listing your education or attained courses, list the institution name as it adds to the accreditation of the course

Mistake #13

Negative Phrasing

Stay positive, to increase your interview chances.

As after all, nobody likes negativity! and guess what, recruiters are human too.


Instead of saying "under-performing" ---- use "unrealized potential"

instead of ‘complicated’----- use "demanding"

Mistake #14


Adding some extra touches to your achievements or unemployment time is a NO DO !!

You have what it takes to get you the job. lying will only bombard your reputation.

Mistake #15

Including reasons for leaving

Your CV is a marketing tool, and it should be 100% positive.

These questions belong to the "interview phase" not the CV.

Mistake #16

Using Buzzwords in your skills

If you ever listed your skills as follows

  • Work Under pressure

  • Strong negotiation skills

  • Communication skills

Then you need to reconsider what you're doing!

What do these words even mean? I know you have something to say behind them but from the recruiters' point of view, it's not a solid skill.

So, instead of using buzzwords, try to dissect the word with a phrase/ situation/ or evidence that you do really have the skills.


Instead of

"Strong negotiation skills."


" Persuasive leader with the tendency for reaching agreements."


Mistake #17

The wrong length

The right #resume_length could be defined by the experience level

  • Fresh Graduate --- 1-2 pages

  • Experienced (non-managers)---- 2-3 pages

  • Managers ---- 3-4 pages

As a general rule of thumb, your CV should be from 1-5 pages maximum.

Mistake #18

Including references

CVs are used within the initial phase of the hiring process only. where recruiters are only interested in what you can offer to them. leave this info to the application phase.

Mistake #19

The CV name

The filename has input in shaping the first impression. & a good impression is always positive right ??


Mahmoud_final.docx – Doesn’t suggest much effort in preparation.

John_Sales.docx – Could suggest certain confusion, searching in multiple sectors

Rania_2015.docx – Looks like your resume hasn’t been updated since 2015.

Instead, use a very simple format ------- YourName_Surname

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